Educating creatively
With access to an orchard, woodland and our own playground
A nurturing, caring atmosphere
For all our children, from age two through to starting school
An inclusive and accessible setting
Next Step Nursery makes sure that everyone is included in all of our activities
See our local offer
New adventures everyday
Indoors and outdoors, there's always something new to explore with friends
Fun all year round
We love to celebrate different seasons and festivals throughout the year and learn about the world around us


We are a day nursery operating 9.15 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. during term time. We provide a relaxed and happy environment, which offers children a range of stimulating, challenging and interesting activities.

Wellies are essential... and we all love teddies, too!

Our ethos

Working towards the independence of your child, both physically and emotionally, we provide a relaxed and happy environment where they can develop at their own pace. We offer a wide range of stimulating, challenging and interesting activities and particularly enjoy being outside; in the garden; on our allotment or in our orchard – come rain or shine!

Book a visit

Leave your details below and we’ll give you a call to answer any questions and arrange a visit to see the nursery